The Gallows Of Madness/by:Haunted Lunacy

Do they think me mad? Do they
 judge me insane?
Do they hang me from the gallows, 
for this tragedy Inside my brain? With 
their wretched fingers they point,
and with their condemning eyes 
they stare. their trial has been 
decided unjust and unfair. Do 
they seek to lock me away
for these words that I write? 
Will they come to slay their devil
under the darkness of night. 
No! I will pick up my pen the 
poet said, and fight to the 
death with these words inside 
my head. I will drown them in 
the ink of my sorrow and my pain. 
I will rend their soul to pieces and 
make them love me once again.
I ask again. Do they think me mad? 
I think they do,
For, these words that I write,
I write about you.


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