Its In The Other Room/By: Haunted Lunacy

It's in the other room,
The answer to my haunted existance.
It calls for me, it stays with me, it beckons to me in my dreams.
It tells me that God no longer cares,
It screams in my ears, and crawls beneath my skin.
It stands before me and holds out its hands, revealing only the key,
The key to the chains that wrap tightly around my chest, reminding me of my sins, reminding me of who I am and always will be..
I cry out to God but only silence is His reply..
It holds out its hands again, revealing a ticket, a ticket to the darkness that swallows us all in the end.
On my knees, bound in chains, i weep for my haunted mind.
What a wretch, what a devil, what a twisted soul for God to find..


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