Symphony of Our Death/By: Haunted Lunacy

The conductor takes the stage and readies his baton. He gathers his composure and prepares to lead them on.
He readies the players and waves his hands, the music ensues and obeys his demands.
The audience sits in silent dismay,
As the music takes their breath.
The conductor is the reaper and the symphony their death .
We dance the dance of mourning and sway in sympathies embrace.
The patrons of the show have forever left this place.
We smile and laugh and soon forget the tragic performance we saw.
As though we'll never face the music,
And sit in that concert hall.
Our song is being written, the violin strings being tuned, the cello players practice, the piano players too. The woodwind players breath in deep and prepare to release their breath.
The conductor takes the stage once more
The symphony of our death .


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